When I was a young consultant, a prospect said to me (friendly, it was), “Yeah, yeah, you do strategy, but do you DO anything?” I immediately changed my tag line to “Joey Tamer designs and builds….” so I could promise the result and...
You have been invited to present to a room filled with excellent referral sources, perhaps in one company, or in a networking group. You don’t know them, but you want them to share their clients and contacts with you for new projects. I often help my clients by...
Lots of entrepreneurs and consultants rush into social media networking without a strategy or a clear intention to implement that strategy. This is particularly true of blogging and other self-publishing efforts. There is no reason to spend the time creating content...
Sometimes, a strategic consultant knows the answer to the client’s dilemma before having all the information. Sometimes, what the client needs to do is obvious and driven by the marketplace. The client is waiting for the “expert” to explain (or...
I have been working more on training entrepreneurs to pitch for capital. Here are 10 more behavioral tactics that present you as a winner worth the investors’ commitment. 1. Calm down. Slow down. The investors must come to trust you and depend on you. 2. Take...
I am often asked how much to reveal when pitching for venture or angel capital. The rationale varies: “ I’m not quite ready for a big investment until I get more early traction” or “Will I weaken my position by showing how much I need and how soon I need it?” or “Will...